Summary: White supremacist Richard Spencer filed a motion to dismiss the federal case that alleged he incited violence in Charlottesville, Virginia. Richard...
Summary: The ACLU said that Taylor Swift should not threaten a blogger who wrote an opinion piece about her. Taylor Swift has...
Summary: ESPN worried that the internet would mock their host, Robert Lee, if he announced at a University of Virginia football game....
Summary: In response to the neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, the mayor of Baltimore had all Confederate statues removed from the city...
Summary: Two victims of Saturday’s car assault in Charlottesville are suing organizers and attendees of Unite the Right. The organizer of Unite...
Summary: The man accused of plowing down protesters with his car in Charlottesville cannot afford an attorney, and the local public defender...
Summary: Pro-Trump writer Cassandra Fairbanks is suing journalist Emma Roller for insinuating she was a white supremacist. Far-right journalist Cassandra Fairbanks threw...
Summary: The extremist that murdered over 70 people in Oslo, Norway, many of which were teenagers, has filed a lawsuit over his...
Summary: A former SS medical orderly is charged with accessory to murder on at least 3,681 counts, the BBC reports. A 95-year-old former...
Summary: German prosecutors have charged a 91-year-old woman with over 260,000 counts of accessory to murder for her work as a Nazi. After...
 It is a glorious find for the art world! Nazis are infamous for practically everything (and deservingly so), and one...
On Friday, after a photograph of an elite Marine unit posing with a symbol looking like the Nazi “SS†logo hit the...