Summary: In a new film, the New York Attorney General said that the Harvey Weinstein case is one of the most “despicable”...
Summary: The former Bryan Cave attorney convicted of trying to help cheat lenders in a fraudulent scheme was disbarred. A former attorney...
Summary: Disbarred attorney Paul Karan, who stole around $2.6 million from his clients several years ago, entered a guilty plea for stealing...
Summary: A former Skadden Arps partner convicted of child pornography has been disbarred by the New York Appellate Division. A former Skadden...
Summary: A video game developer and a First Amendment lawyer have asked the New York State Court of Appeals to reject Lindsay...
 Summary: El Chapo’s attorney promised that the accused drug czar will not murder jurors involved in his criminal trial.  It may...
Summary: The NBA wants sports betting to be legalized across the country. The National Basketball Association is asking for the legalization of...
 Summary: A fire in the Bronx that killed twelve was started by a toddler playing with his family’s kitchen stove, the...
Summary: An attorney was given an unusual order by a Brooklyn judge. One lawyer annoyed her neighbors so much that a judge...
Summary: After admitting to misconduct regarding a scheme to get loan modifications for struggling homeowners, the state of New York has disbarred...
Summary: A former New York attorney who worked for Skadden Arps and Fried Frank was arrested in California for having a two-year...
Summary: A legal recruiting executive at Wegman Partners was accused of harassing a female underling for years. Update 10/26/17 at 1:55pm: the...