Newt Gingrich

Do “Good Guys” with Guns Really Stop “Bad Guys” with Guns?

Do “Good Guys” with Guns Really Stop “Bad Guys” with Guns?

Summary: In the midst of horrific terror in Paris, politicians tweeted about gun rights - prompting a conversation about guns…

Chinese, American Firms to Merge, Hiring Newt Gingrich and Howard Dean

Chinese, American Firms to Merge, Hiring Newt Gingrich and Howard Dean reports that one of the largest law firms in the People’s Republic of China, Dacheng, will merge with two…

Newt Gingrich Says Hillary Clinton Unbeatable in 2016

The subject has come up time and again and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton continues to push it aside as…

Newt Demands Obama Apologize for DeNiro’s Joke

Newt Demands Obama Apologize for DeNiro’s Joke

Republicans are taking this presidential election very seriously, if Newt Gingrich’s demands for an apology from President Obama for a…

Passion for GOP Candidates Revealed

Mitt Romney holds the delegates and Rick Santorum holds the momentum right now but neither GOP candidate is successfully sparking…

Rick Santorum Says Puerto Ricans Should Speak English to Become State

On Wednesday, Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum told residents of Puerto Rico that if they want to make Puerto Rico…

Jon Stewart Peeved about Newt Gingrich Debate Response

Jon Stewart Peeved about Newt Gingrich Debate Response

On Monday’s ‘Daily Show,’ Jon Stewart got riled up because of something that Newt Gingrich said in last Thursday’s debate…

Excerpts Revealed from Marianne Gingrich ABC News Interview

Newt Gingrich, the former U.S. House Speaker, asked his former wife for an open marriage. The question of an open…

ABC to Air Interview with Marianne Gingrich

ABC reporter Brian Ross spoke with Newt Gingrich’s second wife, Marianne Gingrich, for two hours and the interview will air…

Donald Trump backs out of Debate as Moderator

Donald Trump backs out of Debate as Moderator

Lawrence O’Donnell is one of the biggest critics of Donald Trump, so when he heard that Trump had backed out…

Pollster Rejoins Atlanta’s McKenna Long

Matt Towery, CEO of InsiderAdvantage/Poll Position, is rejoining Atlanta-based law firm McKenna Long & Aldridge as of counsel. The last…