
Gallup Poll Has Romney Ahead by 6 Points

As the presidential election draws closer, Republican candidate Mitt Romney has a lead of six points over Democratic President Barack…

Obama Says ‘Good-Paying’ Jobs to Come

  During the debate Tuesday night, President Barack Obama made sure he got across his point that his administration would…

Libya Comments Fact-Checked Live by Candy Crowley

Candy Crowley, the moderator for the presidential debate on Tuesday night, fact checked comments made by Republican presidential nominee Mitt…

Another CEO Badgers Employees to Vote Against Obama

If you run a company of employees, why not use your authority to proselytize for your favored politician? After all,…

Wisconsin GOP Candidate’s Son Comments on Obama

The son of Wisconsin GOP Senate candidate Tommy Thompson, Jason Thompson, offered his thoughts on the race for the White…

Arlen Specter Dies at 82

Former United States senator Arlen Specter passed away at the age of 82 on Sunday morning. Specter passed away from…

World’s Richest Man, Carlos Slim, Profiting from Lifeline Program

According to Fox News, Carlos Slim's company nets $10 every time a low-income American receives a phone from Lifeline, a…

KitchenAid MisTweets an Offensive Joke About Obama’s Deceased Grandma

Part of PR is minding who you put behind the microphone. KitchenAid learned this the hard way when one of…

Michelle Obama Delivers Speech at Democratic National Convention

The first lady delivered her speech Tuesday night at the Democratic National Convention, saying that her husband is just like…

Rush Limbaugh Claims Conspiracy by Obama in Forecasting of Isaac

Rush Limbaugh is at it again, this time providing the listeners of his radio show with a theory on Tropical…

2016: Obama’s America, an anti-Obama Documentary, this last Weekend’s Surprise Hit

"Love Him, Hate Him, You Don't Know Him," reads the tagline on the movie poster for "2016: Obama's America." The…

Mars Rover Beats the Odds and Lands on Mars

Overshadowing, perhaps, America’s Olympic victories, which have given the Nation the pride of having the system and the values to…