panama papers

Wealth Management Services of Mossack Fonseca Shut Down

Wealth Management Services of Mossack Fonseca Shut Down

Summary: The document leak at Mossack Fonseca has put Panama into a damage control stage by forcing the wealth management…

Panama Papers Reveal Emma Watson Created Offshore Company

Panama Papers Reveal Emma Watson Created Offshore Company

Summary: The Panama Papers revealed that actress Emma Watson had an offshore company. Harry Potter star and outspoken feminist activist…

ICIJ Creates Online Law Database with Mossack Fonseca Documents

ICIJ Creates Online Law Database with Mossack Fonseca Documents

Summary: Using data from the leaked documents of Mossack Fonseca, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists has created an online…

Four Things to Know about the Panama Papers Law Firm, Mossack Fonseca

Four Things to Know about the Panama Papers Law Firm, Mossack Fonseca

Summary: On Sunday, a group of journalists published information that tied the wealthy and powerful to possible tax evasion. The…