
Exploring Bar Exam Alternatives: ABA Legal Ed Council Considers Policy Statement

Exploring Bar Exam Alternatives: ABA Legal Ed Council Considers Policy Statement

The ABA Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar is set to discuss a draft…

Equinox Appoints Arlene Hong as Chief Legal Officer

Equinox Appoints Arlene Hong as Chief Legal Officer

Luxury Fitness Chain Strengthens Legal Leadership Introduction Equinox Holdings Inc., a distinguished luxury fitness and health club chain that successfully…

Big Law Firms Reduce Staffing to Address Pandemic-Induced Over-Hiring

Big Law Firms Reduce Staffing to Address Pandemic-Induced Over-Hiring

The legal industry is facing a difficult moment, as many junior lawyers are losing their jobs due to recent layoffs…

New ABA Resolution Might Urge States to Cancel In-Person Bar Exams

New ABA Resolution Might Urge States to Cancel In-Person Bar Exams

The American Bar Associaton plans to urge jurisdictions to cancel in-person bar exams during the COVID-19 pandemic and work on…

California Supreme Court Pressured to Cancel Bar Exam for New Lawyers in Pandemic

California Supreme Court Pressured to Cancel Bar Exam for New Lawyers in Pandemic

Aspiring attorneys signed up to take the California Bar Exam are growing increasingly jittery towards the state’s indecisiveness regarding the…

In-House Counsel Trend Likely to Extend Beyond Pandemic

In-House Counsel Trend Likely to Extend Beyond Pandemic

Before COVID-19 took hold in the United States, legal departments rarely relied on outsourcing and were moving more work in-house.…

Courthouses Close Again As Judges and Staff Test Positive for COVID-19

Courthouses Close Again As Judges and Staff Test Positive for COVID-19

Several courthouses across Georgia are closing shop again after a number of judges and employees have tested positive for COVID-19.…

AM Law Firms Conducted Layoffs After Receiving Millions From PPP

AM Law Firms Conducted Layoffs After Receiving Millions From PPP

Hughes Hubbard & Reed LLP confirmed Tuesday that it cut salaries and laid off an undisclosed number of associates and…

Florida Lawyer Wears Full Hazmat Suit to Court

Florida Lawyer Wears Full Hazmat Suit to Court

A South Florida attorney turned a lot of heads recently when he went to a federal courthouse wearing a full,…

New York City Law Firms Cleared for Reopening

New York City Law Firms Cleared for Reopening

New York City kicked off the second phase of its reopening plan Monday, encouraging companies, including law firms, to bring…

Harvard Law Student Is Suing the University Over Tuition Prices As Classes Remain Online

Harvard Law Student Is Suing the University Over Tuition Prices As Classes Remain Online

A Harvard Law student is suing the university for failing to lower tuition prices and fees despite classes being moved…

Tips for Taking the Bar Exam During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Tips for Taking the Bar Exam During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has completely shaken the legal profession, and many states are still struggling to make the right decision…