Professional Misconduct

Workplace Bullying Among Lawyers: A Pervasive Issue

Workplace Bullying Among Lawyers: A Pervasive Issue

A recent large-scale survey conducted by the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism has revealed a troubling trend: nearly a…

Lawyers Humiliated in Court: Forced to Hold ‘Please See Me’ Signs After Major Failure

Lawyers Humiliated in Court: Forced to Hold ‘Please See Me’ Signs After Major Failure

Reed Smith, a law firm representing the ODP Corporation in a shareholder lawsuit, has been ordered by a Delaware judge…

Disgraced Lawyer Denied Substitute Teaching Job After Attempting to Justify Disciplinary Actions

Disgraced Lawyer Denied Substitute Teaching Job After Attempting to Justify Disciplinary Actions

Former lawyer Robert Philip Tuerk of Pennsylvania has been denied a job as an emergency substitute teacher after education officials…

Former Biglaw Attorney’s Shocking Suspension for Insider Trading Revealed

Former Biglaw Attorney’s Shocking Suspension for Insider Trading Revealed

William Gericke, a former attorney at Cozen O'Connor, has been suspended from practicing law for one year in Pennsylvania after…

Ex-BigLaw Lawyers Face Suspension Over False Billings

Ex-BigLaw Lawyers Face Suspension Over False Billings

Ex-BigLaw Lawyers Face Suspension Over False Billings Two former Chicago-based BigLaw attorneys have been suspended by the Illinois Supreme Court…