A legal battle is unfolding at Rutgers University as a first-year law student, Yoel Ackerman, claims he is being unfairly targeted for...
HBO’s “Succession” return this week for its fourth and final season has caused a surge in interest among law professors who have...
Summary: With disruptive protests preventing the ability of free speech to happen, law schools may not be doing enough to allow healthy...
Summary: State authorities have opened an investigation into three professors at Dartmouth College accused of sexual assault. Three Dartmouth College professors placed...
Summary: The documentary “Hunting Ground” attacks Harvard Law School’s management of a sexual assault case over a year ago, which has angered...
Summary: A judge has ruled that a tenured Charleston Law professor may keep her job at the school. The professor previously filed...
A study by the University of California, Berkeley School of Law found law schools hire more “openly liberal professors” than conservative ones,...