Public defenders

Arizona’s Innovative Program for Bar Exam Near-Pass Graduates

Arizona’s Innovative Program for Bar Exam Near-Pass Graduates

Arizona is launching a groundbreaking initiative to address the shortage of lawyers in rural areas and improve access to justice…

Budget Committee Approves Salary Boost for Assistant District Attorneys and Public Defenders

Budget Committee Approves Salary Boost for Assistant District Attorneys and Public Defenders

Wisconsin is making progress in averting a constitutional crisis by addressing the urgent need to increase wages for Assistant District…

State Public Defenders Request Permission for Law Graduates to Practice Before Bar Admission Due to Lawyer Shortage

State Public Defenders Request Permission for Law Graduates to Practice Before Bar Admission Due to Lawyer Shortage

The Florida Public Defender Association has proposed a new amendment to an existing Florida Bar rule, allowing court appearances for…

Lowest Paid Legal Jobs

Lowest Paid Legal Jobs

Every starry-eyed law student dreams of a Biglaw job and a six figures salary. However, in the 'real world', there…

Tribe Headed to Justice Department

Tribe Headed to Justice Department

Laurence Tribe, prominent Harvard Law professor and generally considered one of the foremost liberal constitutional law scholars and Supreme Court…