public intoxication

TCU Star Quarterback Suspended After Bar Fight

TCU Star Quarterback Suspended After Bar Fight

Summary: The quarterback for TCU was arrested for assaulting an officer, resulting in his suspension from the team before their…

Indiana Court of Appeals Voids Annoying Portion of Public Intoxication Statute

The Indiana Court of Appeals has found the word “annoys,” as used in the state’s public intoxication statute of 2012,…

22 Year Old Samantha Goudie Arrested at .341 BAC Tweets #YOLO

At a University of Iowa football game this weekend 22 year old Samantha Goudie was arrested and blew a .341…

Bronson Pelletier Arrested for Public Intoxication and Public Urination at LAX

Bronson Pelletier Arrested for Public Intoxication and Public Urination at LAX

Bronson Pelletier, one of the stars of the Twilight movies, was arrested in the middle of December for public drunkenness…

Drunken Randy Travis: Nude, Rude, and Ready to Kill

Drunken Randy Travis: Nude, Rude, and Ready to Kill

Country star Randy Travis might soon be singing the blues after his second fiasco this year involving public intoxication. This…