
San Bernardino Prosecutor Placed on Leave for Offensive Comments

Summary: A San Bernardino County gang prosecutor is being investigated for making inappropriate comments on social media. A gang prosecutor…

New York Lawyer Threatens to Call ICE after Hearing Workers Speak Spanish

 Summary: A New York lawyer went viral for all the wrong reasons when he freaked out on Spanish speakers…

Texas Lawyer Jason Van Dyke Sues for $100 Million over Lost Job Offer

Summary: A Texas lawyer with a questionable past lost his job offer with a district attorney’s office when someone made…

H&M Called Racist for Putting Black Boy in Racially Slurred Hoodie

Summary: An image of a black boy modeling a green hoodie with the words “monkey in the jungle” got H&M…

Boston University Professor Calls ‘Jingle Bells’ Racist

Summary: A Boston University professor of theater believes the Christmas carol “Jingle Bells” is rooted in racism. This is not…

Self-Professed Lawyer Shouts N-Word on New York Subway

Summary: A drunk racist who said he graduated from NYU Law was thrown off the L train in New York…

Ohio State University Teaches Students “Only White People Can Be Racists”

Summary: A workshop held at Ohio State University suggests that white people are the only racists and because of their…

Houston Lawyer Donates Money to Minority Bar Group after Racist Remarks

Summary: A Houston litigator who went on a racist rant through emails will pay a large donation to a minority…

Judge Attacks Disabled Man at Flea Market

Summary: After attacking a mentally disabled man at flea market, a Mississippi judge will be removed from the bench. Mississippi’s…

War of Words Ensues Between Maine Gov. and State Rep.

Summary: After what some saw as a racist remark was made by Maine Gov. Paul LePage, a state rep had…

Trump Supporter Has No Regrets for Sucker Punch

Summary: The Trump campaign has attracted a slew of racist followers that are not afraid to resort to violence when…