Rebel Wilson

Rebel Wilson Ordered to Pay Back Portion of Defamation Lawsuit Reward

Rebel Wilson Ordered to Pay Back Portion of Defamation Lawsuit Reward

Summary: An appeals court ordered Rebel Wilson to return 80% of the judgment she had won in the defamation case…

Rebel Wilson to Recover Most of Legal Fees in Defamation Case

Rebel Wilson to Recover Most of Legal Fees in Defamation Case

Summary: Bauer Media was ordered to pay back Rebel Wilson's legal fees.  An Australian court ruled that Rebel Wilson would…

Top 10 Celebrity Legal Scandals in 2017

Top 10 Celebrity Legal Scandals in 2017

Summary: Celebrities found themselves in legal hot water this year. Celebrities have two things that attract lawsuits--money and fame--but sometimes…

Rebel Wilson Wins Millions in Defamation Lawsuit against Australian Magazine Publisher

Rebel Wilson Wins Millions in Defamation Lawsuit against Australian Magazine Publisher

Summary: Bauer Media was ordered to pay Rebel Wilson millions for harming her reputation. On Wednesday, an Australian court awarded…

Shocking Celebrity Court Cases of 2017

Shocking Celebrity Court Cases of 2017

Summary: What are some of the most interesting celebrity court cases of 2017? Celebrities are often targets for lawsuits because…

Rebel Wilson Wins Defamation Lawsuit against “Women’s Day”

Rebel Wilson Wins Defamation Lawsuit against “Women’s Day”

Summary: Rebel Wilson won her defamation lawsuit against Bauer Media of Australia. No one knocks down Rebel Wilson and gets…

Trial: “Nasty Articles” Hurt Rebel Wilson’s Career

Trial: “Nasty Articles” Hurt Rebel Wilson’s Career

Summary: Youthful-looking actress Rebel Wilson has sued an Australian publisher for revealing her real age. Funny lady Rebel Wilson isn't…