recent law school grads

Attorney Lives Out of Office and Truck to Save Rent

Attorney Lives Out of Office and Truck to Save Rent

Summary: A recent law school graduate decided to wait for bar exam results by living out of his office and…

Bar Results Release Schedule Hurting Law School Employment Rates

Employment rates for students that recently graduated from law school certainly aren’t good at the moment, but the American Bar…

Research Shows Which States are The Most Saturated with Law School Graduates

The glut of law school graduates is nothing new, and is a very real threat facing the legal industry, but…

NALP Reports Better Employment Outlook for Recent Law Graduates

NALP Reports Better Employment Outlook for Recent Law Graduates

There is good news for recent law graduates.  According to the National Association for Law Placement (NALP), the rate of…

Orrick Hiring Law Grads for Ops Center

Orrick Hiring Law Grads for Ops Center

Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe is recruiting recent law school graduates for its Global Operations Center in Wheeling, West Virginia. The…

Recent Law School Grads Found Law Firm

The Kansas City Star has a story about two recent law school grads who, unable to find a law firm…