secretary of state

Gambling Addiction Gets New Mexico Official in Big Trouble

Gambling Addiction Gets New Mexico Official in Big Trouble

Summary: New Mexico’s former Secretary of State was taking campaign donations to fund her gambling addiction and will face intense…

Jon Stewart Knocks it Out of the Park With Rant Over Fox’s Syria Coverage

Jon Stewart ranted against the Republican and conservative Fox News Stronghold on his comedy-cum-political news show. He zinged Secretary of…

Susan Rice Removes Herself from Secretary of State Running

Susan Rice, the United Nations Ambassador who endured criticism for the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, has removed…

The Return of Orly Taitz

The Return of Orly Taitz

She's baaaaack! Everyone's favorite birther, lawyer and dentist Orly Taitz, has filed pro se in a federal court in Washington…