Summary: Donald B. Verrilli Jr. has been hired by Munger, Tolles & Olson to open a Washington, DC office. Former Solicitor General...
Elena Kagan was confirmed to the Supreme Court Thursday by a 63-37 vote in the U.S. Senate. Kagan becomes the 112th justice...
Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan ended her Senate testimony Wednesday and all signs point that she will become the high court’s fourth...
This morning President Barack Obama announced in a news conference his nomination for the vacancy created by Justice John Paul Stevens’ retirement...
Baylor announced today that Kenneth Starr has been chosen as the university’s 14th president. Starr will assume the office on June 1st....
With beloved dean Elena Kagan waiting for confirmation as the next US Solicitor General, Harvard Law School has tapped longtime professor Howell...
Former Bush Administration Solicitor General Paul Clement is returning to the Washington, DC office of Atlanta’s King & Spalding. “We are very...