State Department

State Department’s New Promotion Policy Raises Controversy

The State Department, by President Biden's executive order, has introduced a policy that links eligibility for promotions to an employee's…

State Department Launches Pilot Program for H-1B Visa Renewals in the US

The United States State Department has unveiled a pilot program for the renewal of H-1B specialty occupation visas, addressing the…

State Department Reveals Chinese Spy Balloon Attempted to Obtain US Confidential Communications

The State Department has revealed that a Chinese spy balloon that the Pentagon shot down on Saturday was on a…

State Department Employee Makes Deal in Child Porn Case

Summary: A Department of State diplomatic security officer who has been on the FBI’s watch list for over five years…

Additional Hillary Clinton Emails Uncovered

Summary: More emails between Hillary Clinton and top aides regarding work-related information have been discovered by the FBI. Nearly 15,000…