State Senate

California State Senator Joins Nossaman LLP

California law firm Nossaman LLP announced that former California Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman has joined the firm as a…

Farnese Joins Phillie’s Archer & Greiner

Farnese Joins Phillie’s Archer & Greiner

Pennsylvania Democratic State Senator Lawrence M. Farnese Jr. has joined the Philadelphia office of Archer & Greiner as of counsel.…

Blago Says He Will “Boycott” His Own Impeachment

Blago Says He Will “Boycott” His Own Impeachment

Comparing himself to a cowboy facing a hanging, Democratic Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich condemned the state Senate for preparing to…

Watson Joins Brown McCarroll

Watson Joins Brown McCarroll

Democratic Texas state Senator Kirk Watson has left the Austin office of K&L Gates LLP to join Brown McCarroll LLP. Watson…

Illinois House Impeaches Blago

Illinois House Impeaches Blago

The Illinois House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to impeach the Pepperdine University School of Law's most prestigious alum, Governor Rod…

State Senator Joins Lathrop & Gage

State Senator Joins Lathrop & Gage

Republican Missouri State Senator Jack Goodman has joined the Springfield office of Kansas City's Lathrop & Gage LC. Goodman is…