Summary: Stetson Law made history as the first law school to receive a perfect four-for-four record on their student groups’ advancement to...
Stetson University College of Law’s moot court team has been named regional co-champions. The team will go on to the National Finals...
Stacey-Rae Simcox is uniquely attributed to do what she does. As a former Army major and JAG officer, she has already gone...
As student debt climbs and legal employment for recent grads withers, universities across the country are working on innovative ways to insure...
Stetson University College of Law, home to the top-ranked advocacy program in the country, will launch the online Stetson Journal of Advocacy...
Stetson University College of Law’s Black Law Students Association was recently named Chapter of the Year for the Southern Region for outstanding...
Stetson University College of Law students Andrew Harris, Julia McGrath and Victoria San Pedro won the New York City Bar’s 63rd Annual...
According to a press release, Stetson University College of Law is going to offer a Social Justice Advocacy Certificate of Concentration program...
Recent laterals and layoffs in the legal sector: Scott Gross joins law firm Axiom from Wildman, as a partner in Chicago. His...