Summary: Bureaucratic attorneys may appear to have an easier job that producing attorneys but they are required to save face just as...
Summary: There are types of attorneys that law firms, especially the most prestigious ones, will not hire as laterals or as new...
Summary: Attorneys make a lot of bad choices when it comes to their career but sometimes they are not completely aware of...
Summary: Staff attorneys often get the short end of the stick but there are instances where it is the better option for...
Summary: Harrison Barnes classifies the burdens that attorneys take on in their career into seven “deadly†categories. There are several things that...
Summary: Many attorneys give up after not receiving immediate results on the job search but Harrison Barnes explains why they should keep...
Summary: The two stages of an attorney’s legal career are crucial for setting up a successful and long future as an attorney....
Summary: An attorney will only have success if they keep working in the best law firm possible and do not give up...
Summary: Some attorneys will find happiness and success working for a small law firm that is not possible in working for big...
Summary: There are all kinds of decisions that attorneys make starting with what law school to attend that set their career down...
Summary: There are many reasons that attorneys find acceptable for leaving a firm when they find themselves unhappy with it, but most...
Summary: Attorneys start out as soldiers in the legal battle but many are not willing to put in the time and want...