task force

NCBE Approves Task Force’s Recommendations, Major Changes to be Introduced to the Bar Exam

NCBE Approves Task Force’s Recommendations, Major Changes to be Introduced to the Bar Exam

The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) has approved the NCBE Testing Task Force’s recommendations for the changes to be…

ABA’s New Task Force Addresses Legal Needs Arising From Coronavirus

ABA’s New Task Force Addresses Legal Needs Arising From Coronavirus

Summary: ABA sets up a task force of volunteering legal experts to address legal needs that arise from coronavirus pandemic.…

California Bar Recommends Practical Skills and Pro Bono Requirement

Getting a J.D. in California might become just a little bit more difficult. The State Bar of California’s Task Force…

Attorney Announces Maryland Mortgage Task Force

On Friday, U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein announced a new effort to fight against mortgage fraud in the state of…