Summary: After clients voiced concerns over money to employees at Kilgus Law Office, they turned to the police to have attorney Mary...
Summary: Don’t follow this woman’s example and think you can successfully swipe 31 boxes of condoms from a store. An Illinois woman...
Summary: After going into hiding at the beginning of December, Las Vegas attorney Robert C. Graham has been charged and arrested for...
Summary: Rapper Lil Wayne’s protégé Lil Twist is headed to jail, giving the star another bad headline to his name. Rapper Lil...
Summary: Two men are wanted in South Carolina for disguising themselves with fake eyelashes and red fingernails while they stole several pairs...
Summary: Even with a covered face, one Florida man fashioned a “man bun†that made him still recognizable to police. Four video...
Summary: Several people in Ventura, California were assaulted by a man wielding a pair of crucifixes as his weapon. One California man...
Summary: After paying a prostitute $100 to perform a sex act, the elderly man realizes she took off with more than just...
Summary: A Missouri couple took a morning drive on a fancy lawn mower naked after a quick dip in a local creek....
Summary: A man claimed he had no idea how a vibrator got in his pants while he was shopping in a sex...
Summary: The former partners of the law firm are taking jabs at each other over who had the rights to the client...
Summary: An Ellington woman convicted in 2008 for stealing $1.7 million from her law firm has been arrested recently for stealing $40,000...