Summary: Thomas Jefferson has secured a new campus location not far from their former building in downtown San Diego. Thomas Jefferson School...
Summary: Thomas Jefferson School of Law is taking a big jump down from their impressive facility to a smaller space in an...
Summary: The Faculty Lounge has named the bottom 10 schools in the United States. Potential law students use Best Law School rankings...
Summary: The ABA has sanctioned 10 law schools for low admission standards. Since August 2016, the American Bar Association has publicly cracked...
Summary: What are the most expensive law schools in the country? Getting a law degree is a huge financial gamble. You’re basically...
Summary: Personal finance website, Sofi, ranks the best and worst law schools based on graduates’ finanacials. There are plenty of articles that...
Summary: What law schools will leave you the most in debt? The following list may surprise you. Going to law school is...
Summary: A jury sided with defendant Thomas Jefferson School of Law in a case where a former student claimed they lied about graduate...
Summary: A former student has sued the Thomas Jefferson School of Law, blaming their allegedly misleading employment data as the reason she...
Summary: After most of the lawsuits brought by former law school students have been dropped, one against Thomas Jefferson School of Law...
Summary: The private law school in San Diego has been struggling for the last five years, but that doesn’t appear to be...
Summary: Charleston School of Law and Thomas Jefferson School of Law are the newest schools added to a U.S. Department of Education...