
House Committee Advances Bill to Prevent College Athletes from Being Classified as Employees

House Committee Advances Bill to Prevent College Athletes from Being Classified as Employees

A significant legislative development has emerged in the realm of college sports. The House Education and the Workforce Committee recently…

NLRB Eases Rules for Joint Employers, Impact on Labor Law and Unions

NLRB Eases Rules for Joint Employers, Impact on Labor Law and Unions

In a significant development, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has recently announced a new final rule that will have…

Starbucks Found Guilty of Violating Labor Laws Nationwide

Starbucks Found Guilty of Violating Labor Laws Nationwide

In a groundbreaking decision, Administrative Law Judge Mara-Louise Anzalone declared that Starbucks Corp. had violated federal labor laws by selectively…

Uber Drivers Get a Break in Seattle

Uber Drivers Get a Break in Seattle

Summary: Seattle has passed a new law requiring companies like Uber to let their drivers form unions at the expense…

Canadian Supreme Court Rules Wal-Mart Must Pay Former Employees

Canadian Supreme Court Rules Wal-Mart Must Pay Former Employees

On Friday, the Supreme Court in Canada ruled that Wal-Mart has to compensate former employees at a store in Quebec…

Twinkies Return as Hostess Rises from the Ashes

Twinkies Return as Hostess Rises from the Ashes

Twinkies are back! The brand that brought us such a suggestively named range of products – Twinkies, Ding-Dongs, Snow-Balls, Ho-ho’s…

Union Backlash Against Obamacare

Union Backlash Against Obamacare

Obama has had considerable backing from unions these last couple elections, and such political constituents were especially attracted to Obama’s…

Union Membership in United States Drops in 2012

In 2012, the percentage of United States employees who belong to unions dropped to 11.3 percent, the lowest percentage in…

Michigan Becomes a “Right to Work” State

On Tuesday, Michigan Governor Rick Snyder signed two bills heavily reducing the power of unions to collective bargaining for worker…

American Airlines Threatens Legal Action Against its Pilot’s Union

American Airlines Threatens Legal Action Against its Pilot’s Union

American Airlines has sent a litigious letter to its pilot's union late Wednesday claiming that if the pilots didn't cease…

San Francisco City Lawyers Extend 2% Pay Cut

San Francisco City Lawyers Extend 2% Pay Cut

Lawyers for the City of San Francisco have voted to continue a 2% pay cut for another year. The Municipal…