US Justice Department

US Justice Department Introduces NLEAD Database to Track Officer Backgrounds

US Justice Department Introduces NLEAD Database to Track Officer Backgrounds

In December, the United States Justice Department revealed plans to launch the National Law Enforcement Accountability Database (NLEAD), aimed at…

US Justice Department Proposes Holding Executives Financially Responsible for Corporate Wrongdoings

US Justice Department Proposes Holding Executives Financially Responsible for Corporate Wrongdoings

The US Justice Department has announced a new policy to hold corporate executives directly responsible for corporate wrongdoing. The policy…

Supreme Court Rules That Lansdale Woman Not a Terrorist, Involved in Love Triangle

Supreme Court Rules That Lansdale Woman Not a Terrorist, Involved in Love Triangle

The conviction of a Lansdale, Pennsylvania woman was thrown out by the United States Supreme Court on Monday, according to…

Inmates Applying for Clemency Encouraged by Justice Department

  Officials announced Wednesday that, the Justice Department is encouraging nonviolent federal inmates who have behaved in prison, have no…

26 States File Brief to Get Health Care Overhaul Struck Down

26 States File Brief to Get Health Care Overhaul Struck Down

On Wednesday, May 4, 26 states filed a motion with the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which is located in…

Quick Appeal Sought by Obama Administration in Health Care Ruling

Quick Appeal Sought by Obama Administration in Health Care Ruling

The recent ruling made by Judge Vinson in Florida is now being asked by the Obama administration to be appealed…

Massachusetts Challenges Defense of Marriage Act

Massachusetts Challenges Defense of Marriage Act

Attorney General Martha Coakley of Massachusetts filed a lawsuit in July of 2009 challenging the Defense of Marriage Act.  The…