viral video

Emotional Reaction of Black Law Student to Passing Bar Exam Goes Viral

Emotional Reaction of Black Law Student to Passing Bar Exam Goes Viral

In a heartwarming turn of events, Matthew Graham, a resident of Baltimore, is making headlines for his incredible journey to…

Viral Video: Police Officer Punches Underage Drinker on New Jersey Beach

Viral Video: Police Officer Punches Underage Drinker on New Jersey Beach

Summary: Disturbing footage of police punching a woman in the head has emerged online.  On Saturday, Emily Weinman, 20, was…

New York Lawyer Threatens to Call ICE after Hearing Workers Speak Spanish

New York Lawyer Threatens to Call ICE after Hearing Workers Speak Spanish

 Summary: A New York lawyer went viral for all the wrong reasons when he freaked out on Spanish speakers…

Watch: Trump Judicial Nominee Humiliated during Hearing

Watch: Trump Judicial Nominee Humiliated during Hearing

Summary: Trump's latest judicial nominee stumbled to answer basic legal questions in a video that has gone viral.  Job interviews…

Utah Nurse Manhandled by Police for Not Drawing Blood May Sue

Utah Nurse Manhandled by Police for Not Drawing Blood May Sue

Summary: The nurse arrested for refusing to draw blood from an unconsenting man may file a lawsuit. Last week, a…

Lawyer and Uber Driver Catches Lying Cop on Tape

Lawyer and Uber Driver Catches Lying Cop on Tape

Summary: A North Carolina attorney who moonlights as an Uber driver recorded a lying police officer bullying him. A North Carolina police…

Watch Democratic Candidates Say Funny Things That Definitely Do Not Follow Legal Advice

Watch Democratic Candidates Say Funny Things That Definitely Do Not Follow Legal Advice Sometimes I wonder if every sound byte a politician says was run by a team of lawyers, to make…

Segway Gets the Best of Usain Bolt at World Championships

Segway Gets the Best of Usain Bolt at World Championships

Summary: While no competitors could take Bolt down during the 100 and 200 meter races at the World Championships, a…

Don’t Miss the Best Commercial I’ve Seen in Years

Don’t Miss the Best Commercial I’ve Seen in Years

Summary: This commercial is so cute, I'll bet you can't watch it just once. Enjoy!

Texas Pool Party Victim Considers Charging Police Officer

Texas Pool Party Victim Considers Charging Police Officer

  Summary: Jane Bishkin, victim of police brutality as shown in a viral video, weighs her options on charging the…

Unbelievable Video of Plane Landings

Unbelievable Video of Plane Landings

Summary: Video featuring incredible landings of airplanes and helicopters in dire situations. The most intense instant in most airplane trips…

Prank Involving ‘Devil Baby’ Frightens New Yorkers

Prank Involving ‘Devil Baby’ Frightens New Yorkers

By now you have seen the horrific commercials promoting the new movie "Devil's Due." The commercials are quite scary and…