wade robson

Top 10 Celebrity Legal Scandals in 2017

Top 10 Celebrity Legal Scandals in 2017

Summary: Celebrities found themselves in legal hot water this year. Celebrities have two things that attract lawsuits--money and fame--but sometimes…

Judge Dismisses Wade Robson’s Lawsuit against Michael Jackson’s Companies

Judge Dismisses Wade Robson’s Lawsuit against Michael Jackson’s Companies

Summary: A judge dismissed Wade Robson's molestation lawsuit against Michael Jackson's companies.  Choreographer Wade Robson's lawsuit against Michael Jackson's companies…

Lawsuit: Woman Claims Michael Jackson Sexually Abused Her, Paid Hush Money

Lawsuit: Woman Claims Michael Jackson Sexually Abused Her, Paid Hush Money

  Summary: A woman claims that Michael Jackson sexually assaulted her 30 years ago. Even though Michael Jackson is no…

Michael Jackson Named Forbes Highest Paid Dead Celebrity 2016

Michael Jackson Named Forbes Highest Paid Dead Celebrity 2016

Summary: Michael Jackson reportedly made $825 million in 2016. The King of Pop has seized the top spot of Forbe's list…

Wade Robson Claims Michael Jackson’s Companies Were Fronts for Child Sex Ring

Wade Robson Claims Michael Jackson’s Companies Were Fronts for Child Sex Ring

Summary: Wade Robson alleges Michael Jackson's companies were fronts for a child sex ring.  A celebrity choreographer who once worked…

Fifth Sex Abuse Claim against Michael Jackson Arises

According to The Daily Beast, another man has stepped forward accusing Michael Jackson of sexually victimizing him.On Friday, a sexual…

New Child Molestation Claim against Michael Jackson

New Child Molestation Claim against Michael Jackson

There’s no rest for the dead now that Michael Jackson, who passed away four years ago, is being charged yet…