Wall Street

Public Hearings Unveil Showdown Between Biden Administration and Wall Street on Fiduciary Standards

The US Labor Department's Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) is set to conduct extensive hearings over two days on a…

Advocates Prepare for Battle Over New Fiduciary Rule

Consumer Advocates Rekindle Fight for Retiree Financial Protection as Labor Department Pursues Fiduciary Rulemaking Reviving the Cause In the arena…

Government Officials Concerned About Implications of Overturned Insider-Trading Convictions

Summary: The Second Circuit decision to overturn the 2012 convictions of two former hedge-fund traders has dangerous consequences for how…

Sexual Harassment Trial against Wall Street Trader Closes

Summary: A heated sexual harassment trial ended on Friday with claims that the defendant was both a family man and…

Investigation Begins into Airline Conspiracy Over Airfare

Summary: A discussion between airlines CEO’s about capacities limits sparks a U.S. government investigation to figure out if the airlines…

Law School Graduation Ceremonies Want Preet Bharara

Summary: US Attorney Preet Bharara may be famous for prosecuting Wall Street but he is also gaining fame as the…

Rogue Man Arrested as Major Cause of 2010’s Flash Crash

Summary: A single-man has been identified as a major cause in the “Flash crash” of 2010. The “Flash crash” that…

U.S. Attorney Richard Tarlowe Joins Paul Weiss

Summary: Richard Tarlowe, a federal prosecutor, will join Paul Weiss’ litigation department to focus on online security, foreign corrupt practices,…

Berkshire Hathaway Will No Longer Provide Direct Feeds to High Speed Trading Firms

High speed traders are on to someone else. Berkshire Hathaway will no longer provide high frequency traders their direct feeds…

New Job Initiative from JPMorgan Chase

JPMorgan’s chairman and chief executive has plans to announce “New Skills at Work,” a five-year, $250 million initiative focused on…

Power in Financial Reform

Wall Street is entering an uncertain new era as the Volcker Rule — the regulation at the heart of Washington’s…

Stocks Rise with Online Retail

U.S. stocks rose significantly with EBay and Amazon taking the lead in Black Friday sales, according to Bloomberg. Both companies…