weird news

40 Rare Historical Photos

1. Mark Twain in the lab of Nicola Tesla, 1894  Literary buffs and physics enthusiasts can get a charge out…

Flat Earther Daredevil Dies in DIY Rocket Crash

Summary: A former limousine stunt driver dies after crash-landing homemade rocket. "Mad" Mike Hughes, a former limousine stunt driver and…

Security Camera Detects Landlord in Tenants Bedroom With Another Man

Summary: A married couple in Colorado Springs was shocked to find their landlord in their bedroom having sex with another…

Two Men Donning Fake Eyelashes and Nails Steal Yoga Pants

Summary: Two men are wanted in South Carolina for disguising themselves with fake eyelashes and red fingernails while they stole…

Ex-Lawyers Must Pay $5.7 Million after Planting Drugs in PTA Mom’s Car

Summary: Two lawyers, who bizarrely sought to frame a PTA mom, were ordered to pay $5.7 million in damages. A jury…

Students Protest Gun Laws…with Dildos

Summary: UT Austin students strap dildos on their backpacks to protest a new law allowing people to carry guns on campus. Yes, you…

IT Worker Addresses Customers in Robot Voice

Summary: An IT employee in New York faces a 30-day suspension for answering customer service calls in a Siri-style voice.…

Suit Claims Man Fired for ‘Flatulence,’ Foul Stench

Summary: A woman claims her husband suffered discrimination when he was fired for passing too much gas after he underwent…

‘Monkey Selfie’ Case May Set New Legal Precedent

Summary: PETA has filed a lawsuit arguing that animals can own intellectual property rights. You may recall the story of the…

Sexting Teens Get a Year of Probation

Summary: A teenage couple who exchanged nude photographs by cell phone have both received probation for their actions. You may recall…

Woman Gets Suspended Jail Sentence for Flat Ironing Boyfriend’s Penis

Summary: A 22-year-old woman burns her boyfriend’s penis with a flat iron for cheating on her. The judge gives her a…

Teens Who Sext May Get Charged with Exploiting Themselves

Summary: Two teens have been charged with crimes after they exchanged nude photos using their cell phones. The world of sexting…