Wilkie Farr

Wilkie Farr & Gallagher Adds Pair to Bankruptcy Practice

Wilkie Farr & Gallagher Adds Pair to Bankruptcy Practice

Wilkie Farr & Gallagher has bolstered its New York business reorganization and restructuring department with the addition of two partners.…

More Debate Over NALP Recruitment Plan

More Debate Over NALP Recruitment Plan

Jones Day has been the most vociferous opponent of the NALP recruitment plan, as we originally reported here, but several…

Morning Roundup

Morning Roundup

Good Morning!  Today is Tuesday, February 9, and here's your daily round up... A Senate report says that attorney-client accounts…

More Bonuses

More Bonuses

-Insert cookie cutter story here- Debevoise & Plimpton announced bonuses today. Second verse, same as the first... I'm rapidly running…

Morning Roundup

Morning Roundup

Good morning everyone! As we head into Thanksgiving week, things have slowed down a bit. Here's a look back at…

Report: Women Still Not Making Partner

According to a report released by the San Francisco-based Project for Attorney Retention, which surveyed 100 American law firms, only…