Yale University, renowned for its academic excellence, has announced a significant change in its admissions policy. Starting with the class entering in...
Yale University has joined the ranks of colleges reverting to mandatory test score submissions for prospective students. This change, effective for those...
Approximately 150 Yale faculty members have united under a shared vision, articulating their hopes and expectations for the upcoming leadership of Yale...
Yale University has issued a formal apology for its historical involvement with slavery, alongside the release of an extensive account detailing the...
Make a wise choice when it comes to choosing a law school. An average law school education can land a graduate in...
Summary: Appellate judge Richard Posner announced his plan to retire from the court of appeals and focus on teaching and publishing. Highly-recognized...
Law school is a great place for students to grow and learn the law, but it can also be an excellent place...
Marina Keegan, a 22-year-old from Wayland, Massachusetts, died after a car crash in Cape Cod over the holiday weekend. Keegan graduated from...