As year-end approaches, bonus announcements are flooding in from top-tier law firms and elite boutiques alike, creating a ripple effect across the...
On Monday, Cravath, Swaine & Moore set the ball rolling on year-end bonuses for associates with a 33% increase in bonuses for...
After setting the financial benchmark for year-end bonuses in late November, Cravath, Swaine & Moore confirmed that the firm will also provide...
Los Angeles’ Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver & Hedges has announced its 2008 associate bonuses: The firm will be paying bonuses pursuant to...
Just hours after we reported that Allen & Overy cut its associate bonuses in half, comes the news that New York’s Sullivan &...
Most of the chatter about year-end associate bonuses has focused on biglaw. Who cut payment by how much and why? While the...